I will next delve into the field of acupuncture. Acupuncture originated in China over 5,000 years ago. It is based on the belief that there is a vital life energy called “chi” present in all life forms. Chi circulates along 12 major energy pathways called meridians. These meridians are linked to specific organs and systems. There are purportedly over 1,000 acupoints along the meridians which can be stimulated to enhance the flow of chi. Needles can be inserted into these acupoints for pain relief and to restore health. Acupuncture is used to treat a long list of conditions including both acute and chronic pain, addiction, mental disorders, and infertility.
When I went on-line to investigate if there were any acupuncturists nearby, I was amazed to find over 40 sites in the Cleveland area. That seems to be a lot of needles being stuck in people! Apparently, acupuncture has caught on in a big way. Before we get too far in this new endeavor, let me come clean… I must admit that this whole concept of “chi” sounds wacky to me. I don’t remember coming across these meridians when I was dissecting my cadaver in anatomy class. Despite my skepticism of “chi,” my perception is that acupuncture must work for some people. I have heard enough testimonials of major surgeries being done using only acupuncture, rather than general anesthesia, that it seems to clearly do something for some people. The question I have is: will it do anything for me?
I have an appointment scheduled for this afternoon, and I must admit that I am a bit nervous about this one. Despite being a doctor, I am not a fan of needles, knives, or anything sharp which can cause pain. My wife, Beth, can attest to this. She loves Quentin Tarantino movies, including “Kill Bill.” During this particularly gruesome movie which insists on following the entire path of every blade, I cringed during every swing of the sword and the accompanying severing of appendages. Eventually, I had to stop watching due to nausea. On top of my squeamishness of needles and knives, I don’t like anything touching my feet. My kids know this all too well and are always sneaking up on me and grabbing my feet when I am lying flat. I am mortified that the acupuncturist might actually stick a needle somewhere in my foot. From my research, this seems to be an all too likely possibility! According to a drawing in my reference book of the >1,000 acupoints, the feet have more than their fair share!
Despite my fears, I decided that if I am going to try acupuncture, I will do it right. Rather than see a granola-eating, hippie, Asian wannabe, I will try the real deal. It seems that if acupuncture comes from China , than I should go to a practitioner from China . I find a Dr. Z Lin (name changed for my protection-nobody wants a mad Asian woman with needles coming after them!) who received her training at the Academy of Traditional Medicine in Beijing , China . She reportedly comes from a long lineage of traditional Chinese medical doctors and began to learn her trade as a teenager under the tutelage of her mother. Her website (yes, she has a website) has a long list of maladies which she treats including gastrointestinal disorders, gynecologic disorders (here is one I don’t have!), respiratory disorders, headaches, back pain, allergies, addictions, anxiety, and shingles. This seems like the right place for me. I decided I will ask her to focus on my headaches and back pains which amazingly are still nagging me despite my visits to a naturopath and a chiropractor. I gave Dr. Z Lin a call, and I am able to make an appointment within a week. A week has passed and today is the day!
[Next week: The initial visit.]