It has been two years since my last post. I am ready to climb back in the saddle and resume my exploration of alternative medicine. My goal is to eventually publish my experiences in a book. Over the last two years I have moved to Asheville, NC and taken a new job. I have explored Bikram (hot) yoga, barefoot running, and had knee surgery. There will be postings on these experiences later.
Earlier this year, I summitted a proposal for my upcoming book to several agents. After a several month wait, I came to an agreement with a reputable agent. Now, I am waiting to hear from a publisher. I have decided to resume this blog, but with a slightly different style. I am hoping for more reader interaction and comment. Please contribute. Your input will help guide which alternative therapies I try next.
My next exploration will be to compare various performance drinks. With the help of my oldest son Connor, who turned 13 today, I devised the following plan: with your help I will pick 4 or 5 performance drinks and then compare their impact on my time trial performance of a 4.6 mile climb which I routinely do on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is a well documented segment that has been mapped out on Strava. You can follow my progress on Strava, my facebook page, this blog, and my web page, Once a week I will do this segment and post my results and thoughts. I will drink the tested performance drinks that you help me choose. My wife, Beth will serve me the drink in the form of a smoothy along with standard ingredients (frozen berries, orange juice, ice) in an attemp to keep me "blinded" from knowing what drink I am taking at that time. Only at the end of the experiment will it be revealed to me what I was drinking. I will perform the segment under the influence of each drink twice and also with no additive twice (the placebo). Today, I will time myself on the segment for the first time to establish a baseline.
Thank you for your suggestions and comments.
Earlier this year, I summitted a proposal for my upcoming book to several agents. After a several month wait, I came to an agreement with a reputable agent. Now, I am waiting to hear from a publisher. I have decided to resume this blog, but with a slightly different style. I am hoping for more reader interaction and comment. Please contribute. Your input will help guide which alternative therapies I try next.
My next exploration will be to compare various performance drinks. With the help of my oldest son Connor, who turned 13 today, I devised the following plan: with your help I will pick 4 or 5 performance drinks and then compare their impact on my time trial performance of a 4.6 mile climb which I routinely do on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is a well documented segment that has been mapped out on Strava. You can follow my progress on Strava, my facebook page, this blog, and my web page, Once a week I will do this segment and post my results and thoughts. I will drink the tested performance drinks that you help me choose. My wife, Beth will serve me the drink in the form of a smoothy along with standard ingredients (frozen berries, orange juice, ice) in an attemp to keep me "blinded" from knowing what drink I am taking at that time. Only at the end of the experiment will it be revealed to me what I was drinking. I will perform the segment under the influence of each drink twice and also with no additive twice (the placebo). Today, I will time myself on the segment for the first time to establish a baseline.
Thank you for your suggestions and comments.