Soon after my visit to the Naturopath, I realized that among the many things proscribed, the biggest challenge would be adhering to the diet, or more specifically the “anti-inflammatory diet”. I understand that there are many vocal proponents of this and similar diets, both among naturopaths and the general public. In fact, as I drove to work a few days after my appointment, I tuned into a short segment concerning these diets on National Public Radio. The principle of the anti-inflammatory diet is that there is a direct link between the foods that we eat and the amount of inflammation in our bodies. Certain foods, such as organic fruits and vegetables, are considered anti-inflammatory whereas other foods, such as those heavily processed or high in saturated fats, are considered pro-inflammatory. According to the interviewee on NPR, the support for these diets originates in studies which assessed life expectancy and health outcomes in large populations and then attempted to link these outcomes to their diets. The interviewee’s conclusion was that although the findings are intriguing, there is no conclusive evidence of benefit.
The guidelines for my “anti-inflammatory diet” are to eat more essential fatty acids (found in raw seeds and cold-pressed oils), bioflavonoids (found in organic vegetables and fruits), and foods high in vitamin C, E, B3, B6, Biotin, Copper, Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc. Foods to avoid include red meat (except grass-fed beef), processed oils, dairy, commercially processed eggs, pre-packaged foods, alcohol, coffee, and peanuts! As I read the list, I began to cringe. This was not going to be easy. I live on dairy, alcohol, coffee, and peanuts! Give up my morning java and my evening beer?!? What is the point of living if I can’t enjoy life? Hadn’t I recently read that coffee is the number one source of anti-oxidants in the American diet? Isn’t a beer a day good for you? As I read the diet out loud to Beth, I could see her start to smirk. I could tell she was going to enjoy watching me suffer! We both decided the first step would be to go to the local organic food store, or “Whole Paycheck”, as I like to call the establishment of similar name.
I truly despise this store. No doubt the fruits and veggies look great, but boy are they pricey! Needless to say, there are not many persons using food stamps here. Again, I am struck that visits to the naturopath and “anti-inflammatory” diets seem more geared towards the well-to-do. Well, I digress. As I entered Whole Paycheck (or similarly named establishment), I immediately encountered rows and stacks of immaculate fruits and vegetables. Being a strawberry lover, I was drawn to the beautiful mounds of strawberries. I noticed one stack of organic strawberries and an identical mound next to it of regular strawberries. They looked exactly the same to me. In fact, they were produced by the same company; the only noticeable difference was a small emblem saying “organic” on one set of packages. The berries were all red, juicy, and delectable appearing. I then noticed the price difference. The organic strawberries were $4.69 per package and the non-organic $2.69. You must be kidding me! I begrudgingly grabbed a package of the more expensive organic berries. I picked out some “organic veggies” (I am not a big veggie eater), some organic eggs, grass-fed hamburger meat, and some soy milk. My spirits hit a low point as I paid $50 at check-out for a measly single sack of groceries.
As I arrived home and looked over my upcoming diet, I decided to indulge in one last night of decadence… beer, cheese, a poorly treated cow, and maybe even some pre-packaged food. I told myself, “Tomorrow, I begin the austerity... I mean ‘anti-inflammatory diet’.”
[Next week…examining the pills prescribed by my Naturopath]