Sunday, June 12, 2011

Visit to the Naturopath: Homeopathy.

Now we come to a class of remedies which in my mind are truly “alternative”. Homeopathy has always intrigued and perplexed me. First, there is the “law of similars” whereby a remedy is selected to provoke the very symptoms one is trying to treat.  This sounds a little bit like desensitizing someone to an allergy.  One might imagine its working in a manner similar to a vaccine which primes the immune system to develop a response to similar stimuli.  Thus, it assists your natural immunity in responding to an inciting agent and decreases subsequent “inflammation”.  So far so good…. 
Now the second premise of homeopathy is that increasingly dilute doses are increasingly potent. This is hard for me to stomach, and it throws a big wrench into my immune stimulation hypothesis.  Despite my skepticism, I understand that in Europe homeopathy is far more recognized as a mainstream medical therapy than within the United States. With these previously mentioned underlying premises in mind, here are the homeopathic remedies I have been prescribed, and a bit of my research regarding their intended uses:
1)     Lycopdium- It is derived from an evergreen plant in Europe and North America. It has been used since the Middle Ages for a broad spectrum of ailments ranging from gout to digestive disorders. It can be used for chronic insecurity, fear of an upcoming event, sleeplessness, nightmares, headaches, and more. (I don’t appreciate any overwhelming insecurities, but I definitely fear my upcoming bouts of insomnia and headaches!)
2)     Tuberculinum- I found an incredibly long list of indications for this one. This medicine is intended for those with a family history of tuberculosis, for those prone to colds, allergies or other respiratory disorders. To me, this is the oddest of the prescribed medications especially since I oversee the county tuberculosis program. I'm having a hard time determining why this one was prescribed. The Internet provides an extremely long list of potential afflictions or traits that are benefited by taking this medication including the treatment of “incipient tuberculosis”. As I peruse this long list of potential maladies cured by tuberculinum, the only one I see that pertains to me is “deep brain headaches”.
3)     Nux Vomica - Now this one even sounds disgusting! According to Boericke’s Materia Medica (originally published in 1927) but still used today, "Nux is preeminently the remedy for many of the conditions incident to modern life. The typical Nux Vomica patient is rather thin, spare, quick, active, nervous, and irritable. He does a good deal of mental work; has mental strains and leads a sedentary life, found in prolonged office work, over study, and close application to business, with its cares and anxieties." There are then about 20 pages of symptoms for which it might be useful including lumbar back pain, insomnia, and headaches. Of all the medications so far, this is the one for me!
4)     Calcarea Carbonica - According to Boericke, its "chief action is centered on the vegetative sphere, impaired nutrition being the keynote of its action, the glands, skin and bone, being instrumental in the changes wrought. Again, it is good for incipient phthsis” (an archaic name for tuberculosis)! As I read over these remedies and the cookbook-like fashion in which they can be prescribed, I can't get over the feeling that this is similar to how medicine was practiced many, many years ago, during a time when people generally died at the age of 40! Among the 19 pages of symptoms that might be cured with Calcarea Carbonica, I find insomnia, back pain, and headaches.  I'm feeling better already!

As I read over the descriptions of the many possible uses of these homeopathic remedies, I hearken back to the time when medicine was practiced much differently. For direct comparison I decide to pull out a few of my ancient medical texts. One such text, The Principles and Practice of Medicine, by William Osler MD, published in 1899, preaches that the best way to treat tuberculosis is to “make a patient grow fat” and place them in the open air.  Diabetes can be treated with “opium”, or alternatively with “valerian root”. It seems that traditional medicine has come a long way, but homeopathy remains unchanged.

[Next week…The results of my Naturopathic adventure.]

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