Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hypnotherapy – Scratching the Surface

           I visited the hypnotist two weeks ago.  I tried to follow her recommendations.  Twice a day, I attempt to “zone out” for a minute.  During this time, in accordance with her instructions, I observe all visual stimuli, all noises, and all sensations while focusing on none.  I listened to the CD for “Anxiety Release” given to me by the hypnotist.  The CD is a form of guided hypnosis and is very similar in content to the hypnosis session I described in last week’s blog.  As a result of these exercises, I do have periods of increased relaxation and contemplation.  Hypnotized?  I am not sure.  During my hypnosis session, the hypnotist suggested I would assume a state of deep relaxation triggered by closing my book each night.  This trigger has been quite effective.  In fact, I am wary of reading my book during the day for fear I will be overcome with a desire to sleep when I close the book.  Fortunately, the majority of my reading during daylight hours is on the computer, from magazines, and from newspapers.  I imagine myself reading a chapter from my book at lunch time and then waking up several hours later to find it is evening and I have skipped an afternoon of seeing patients.  I doubt my boss or my patients would be appreciative.

            The whole concept of hypnosis has piqued my interest.  The idea of tapping into one’s subconscious to affect change in one’s daily life is fascinating.  I need to know more.  I seek more information from my father-in law, Dr. T.S. Kim, a retired psychiatrist.  T.S. is one of the kindest, gentlest, and wisest men I have encountered.  I don’t tell my wife, but the real reason I married her was to have T.S. be my father-in-law.  The one catch to seeking T.S.’s counsel is that at 87 years old, he is very hard of hearing.  Rather than struggle to comprehend conversation, T.S. now favors recounting his prior experiences, particularly his Korean War experiences - fascinating, but not my current topic of interest.  During our most recent visit to Hickory, I pull up a chair next to T.S. and ask him to tell me about his use of hypnosis when he practiced psychiatry.  After a few misunderstandings - first, thinking I had asked about the Carolina Panthers, and then launching into a discussion of the conflict in the Ukraine - I get him to address his views on hypnotism.  He says, “Yes, hypnotism can be very effective.  I incorporated hypnotism into my practice in certain circumstances with good results.  I have a few books I can give you on the subject.”  Then, he began talking about his youth in North Korea during the times of Japanese occupation.  It appears this is all T.S. will be telling me today about hypnotism.  At the end of our visit, T.S. gives me a couple of circa 1950 books on hypnotism. 

            On arriving home, I take a look at the books T.S. gave me.  Hypnotism, by G.H. Estabrooks, “one of American’s leading psychologists” according to the book jacket, must have created quite a stir when it was published.  Dr. Estabrooks contends people can be hypnotized against their own will.  His book reviews hypnotic techniques and discusses the use of hypnosis, not only for medical conditions, but also for its possible use to perpetuate crime and in warfare.  Imagine hypnotizing a legion of soldiers to do your bidding without concern for their own wellbeing.  Surely Vladamir Putin is using this trick on his military. The second book, The Nature of Hypnosis, takes a more Freudian approach.  Its author, Dr. Paul Schilder, observes “hypnosis is also rooted in sexuality.”  My favorite quote from Dr. Schilder’s work is, “hypnosis represents the pleasure of surrender.”  Here, I think Dr. Schilder may have hit upon the truth.  One needs to surrender and put their skepticism aside to experience the benefits of hypnosis.  This has become my goal.  I strive to fully open my mind and delve into my own subconscious.  I want to be hypnotized.  I have made progress in the past two weeks, but I have much further to go.  I have experienced moments of serene calm that I have rarely experienced before.  Unfortunately, these moments have been fleeting.  In the coming weeks, I will attempt to lower the barriers I have erected around my subconscious in an effort to realize the full benefits of hypnotherapy.  

Next week . . . my return visit to the hypnotist.

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