To date, my exploration of crystal healing has been
eye-opening, if not curative. I started
with the John of God Crystal Bed, and then last week, I made an excursion into
Asheville’s Salt Cave. With the aid of
these experiences, I am finally shrugging off the lingering effects of the
flu. Hopefully, by relying on crystal
magic once again, I can fight off the last remnants of this illness and tackle
a few of my recurring complaints. I will
now rely on some “cookbook medicine.”
Cookbook medicine is quite popular with many forms of alternative
medicine. Cookbook medicine means you treat
yourself by looking up your ailment in a book, and without need of a doctor’s
prescription, you buy or make your own remedy.
This form of home brewing is popular in homeopathy, herbal medicine,
aromatherapy, Appalachian medicine, and crystal therapy. My hope is to find a crystal that will cure
my insomnia, tension headaches, and general laziness. The laziness to which I refer is my
inclination to waste time surfing the internet or checking my email for the
hundredth time when I should be working on this blog or doing some other task
that is at least somewhat productive.
Before finding my remedy, I will attempt to explain how
crystals work and define their role in curing various maladies. According to “reputable sources” (such as, each “crystal has a unique internal structure which
causes it to resonate at a certain frequency. It is this resonance that is said to give
crystals their healing abilities.” The
crystals help channel positive energy into the body which promotes health and
may cure disease. This gets a bit confusing
if you consider I learned in the Salt Cave that positive ions emitted by electronics
can cause imbalance and illness, which may in turn be reversed by the negative
ions given off by crystals. The
philosophy of crystal healing derives from Asian concepts such as life-energy
(chi) and chakras. Remember the lines of
chi which are stimulated during acupuncture?
The chakras, otherwise referred to as vortices of energy, are said to
connect the physical with the supernatural elements of the body. For each of the seven chakras on one’s body,
there is a corresponding color or crystal which can exert influence. (Now I understand the rationale behind the
seven crystal lights that were aligned over my chakras during my John of God
Crystal Bed Therapy). Techniques may
vary, but generally, one treats various ailments by picking the correct crystal
for its corresponding chakra. Each
chakra corresponds to an anatomical position on the body and not only exerts
influence on particular organs or glands, but has further spiritual
connections. The crystal is then laid
over the chakra, dangled over the chakra, rubbed on the chakra, or just held
near the chakra. Now that the “science”
is all crystal clear, I am ready to heal myself.
I turn to the master cookbook - the internet. I find the crown chakra (located just above
one’s head) and the brow chakra (located on the forehead) have influence over
sleep patterns and headaches. The
amethyst stone is the stone of choice for me. Apparently, the amethyst is a pretty powerful
stone. It is commonly used as a “dream
stone” to help with insomnia, and it can relieve headaches by being rubbed across
one’s forehead. Better yet, it is said
to promote mental clarity: when the
amethyst is placed on the crown chakra, it encourages positive thought patterns
and exerts control over the pineal gland.
In medical school, we learn the pineal gland secretes melatonin which
affects our sleep-wake cycles. The brow
chakra exerts influence over the pituitary gland - the gland which is a
principle regulator of our endocrine system.
Amethyst crystals are noted to have several other properties: they improve memory, protect from danger, and
are thought to bring success in business. This stone sure has some powerful mojo. After completing my amethyst education, I tell
my wife I need to take a trip to the crystal shop (we have several in
Asheville) so that I can buy myself a stone.
Always a step ahead of me, she gives a knowing smile and asks if I might
be able to hold off until after Christmas.
When I say no, she goes to our bedroom and returns holding a small package.
“Since you can’t wait,” she says. I rip
open the package and lo and behold, sitting inside the box are two amethysts -
a small one to carry in my pocket and a larger cluster of crystal for my
bedside. How did she know I was planning
on buying these? I am not sure . . . woman’s
intuition, or crystal magic?
Over the following week, I dutifully carry the smaller
amethyst in my pocket throughout the day; at night, before going to sleep, I
place the larger crystal over both my crown and brow chakras. Just before drifting off to sleep, I slip the
large crystal under my pillow. As I close my eyes I imagine healing ions flowing
through my body as I am transmuted to a higher plan. Has it worked?
Despite some remaining head congestion, I have been sleeping well and headache
free all week. I am not sure if I have
achieved full mental clarity, but I did find the motivation to write this blog
during a couple of my lunch breaks. Perhaps
more significantly, I made a rare good financial decision (I suggest this
qualifies as “business success”) - I rebalanced my retirement portfolio to an
increased weight in stocks just before the stock market rallied. This is a sharp contrast with my normal
philosophy of buy high, sell low. I am not sure Janet Yellen’s recent economic
statements can be attributed to the amethyst, but who knows.
Perhaps the crystals work after all. I did manage to not get as sick as my wife
during our recent flu bout, and I have recovered faster. One might look at her as the control in my
study of crystals - we both got sick around the same time, but only I
experienced the Salt Cave and slept with an amethyst under my pillow. If this is not definitive proof, I don’t know
what is. At the very least, therapy with
crystals has little downside - they are easy to use and they have few
side-effects . . . except for a lumpy pillow.
Next week . . . the
blog will be closed for the Holidays.
In two weeks . . . join
me as I explore the Asheville vortex.